Kennedy advisers debate whether to bomb, invade and/or blockade Cuba 50 years ago today (1962)

Video: October 19, 1962 (at 8:08)

(Friday, October 19, 1962, day four of the Cuban missile crisis, part of the Cold War) — U.S. President John F. Kennedy met today with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to discuss the military options for responding to the missiles in Cuba.

USAF Chief of Staff General Curtis LeMay advocated bombing of the missile sites in Cuba, while Defense Secretary Robert McNamara recommended a blockade of ships approaching the island.

Ultimately, Kennedy, who would spend the day at scheduled speeches in Ohio and Illinois, would opt to blockade Cuba rather than to start a war.

Video: October 19, 1962 (at 7:12)

Video: 'Thirteen Days' (Oct. 19, 1962 at 35:06)

Video: 'The Missiles Of October' (Oct. 19, 1962, 12:00 noon at 41:18)