Daily Archives: March 11, 2014

Mondale asks Hart ‘Where’s the beef?’ during debate 30 years ago this hour (Mar 11 1984)

Video: '1984 Democratic debate: "Where's the beef?"'

(Sunday, March 11, 1984, 5-6:30 p.m. EST) — Former Vice President Walter Mondale’s old-line Democratic Party values and Sen. Gary Hart’s “new ideas” collided today in Atlanta in a final, combative face-to-face meeting of the leading candidates before the crucial “Super Tuesday” voting. Continue reading Mondale asks Hart ‘Where’s the beef?’ during debate 30 years ago this hour (Mar 11 1984)

Army says McCarthy ‘pulled rank’ for aide 60 years ago today (Mar 11 1954)

(Thursday, March 11, 1954; during the Second Red Scare) — The U.S. Army charged today that Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, a Republican from Wisconsin, and his subcommittee’s chief counsel, Roy Cohn, had exerted pressure to obtain favored treatment for Pvt. G. David Schine, a former consultant to the subcommittee. The confrontation culminated in the famous Senate Army-McCarthy hearings.