Daily Archives: May 4, 2015

Abraham Lincoln buried 150 years ago this hour (May 4 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns The Civil War: Episode 9 The Better Angels of Our Nature (1865) |Ken Burns Docum' (May 4, 1865 at 24:35)

(Thursday, May 4, 1865, 1:00 p.m.; during the American Civil War) — U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was laid to rest today in his hometown of Springfield, Illinois, following a 180-city, seven-state train journey from Washington, where he had been assassinated.

Lincoln’s son Willie, who died at age 11 from typhoid fever in 1862 and had originally been buried in Washington while Lincoln was serving as president, was interred next to his father in the family plot.

Nazi concentration camp Neuengamme liberated 70 years ago today (May 4 1945)

Video: 'KZ Neuengamme Concentration Camp (Short Film)'

(Friday, May 4, 1945; part of The Holocaust during World War II) — The Neuengamme concentration camp, a subcamp of Sachsenhausen concentration camp located near the village of Neuengamme in the Bergedorf district of Hamburg, Germany, was liberated today by British forces. Continue reading Nazi concentration camp Neuengamme liberated 70 years ago today (May 4 1945)