Hitler on Stalingrad: ‘We’ve got it really’ 70 years ago today (1942)

Video: Hitler's speech (Nov. 8, 1942)

(Sunday, November 8, 1942, evening, during the Battle of Stalingrad, part of the Eastern Front of World War II) — On the 19th anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch, German dictator Adolf Hitler focused on the fighting in Stalingrad in an after dinner speech in Munich:

“I wanted to get to the Volga at a particular point where stands a certain town that bears the name of Stalin himself. I wanted to take the place and you know we’ve done it – we’ve got it really, except for a few enemy positions still holding out. Now people say why don’t they finish the job more quickly? Well, I prefer to do the job with quite small assault groups. Time is of no consequence at all.”

Video: Hitler's speech (at 7:43)