Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth dies 150 years ago this hour (Apr 26 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns The Civil War: Episode 9 The Better Angels of Our Nature (1865) |Ken Burns Docum' (Apr. 26, 1865 at 26:07)

(Wednesday, April 26, 1865, at about 7:15 a.m.; during the American Civil War) — John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, died this morning about five hours after the men of the 16th New York Cavalry surrounded the tobacco barn he was sleeping in at Richard H. Garrett’s farm, just south of Port Royal, Caroline County, Virginia.

Booth had been shot in the neck by a soldier after he had refused to surrender and the barn was set on fire. As he lay dying, Booth looked at his hands and supposedly gasped, “Useless, useless.”