‘James Bond: The First 21 Years’ debuts on ITV 30 years ago today (1983)

Video: 'JAMES BOND OO7: The First 21 Years - Part 1 of 5'

(Friday, May 27, 1983)James Bond: The First 21 Years, a documentary designed to promote the upcoming release of the film Octopussy, premiered today on ITV in the UK. The program featured many celebrities, including former Beatle Paul McCartney (on part 3 at 7:30).

Video: 'JAMES BOND OO7: The First 21 Years - Part 2 of 5'

Video: 'JAMES BOND OO7: The First 21 Years - Part 3 of 5'

Video: 'JAMES BOND OO7: The First 21 Years - Part 4 of 5'

Video: 'JAMES BOND OO7: The First 21 Years - Part 5 of 5'