Alabama police use gas, clubs to rout civil rights demonstrators on ‘Bloody Sunday’ 50 years ago today (Mar 7 1965)

Video: 'Eyes on the Prize (VI) — Bridge to Freedom, 1965 [with English subtitles]' (Mar. 7, 1965, at 20:32)

(Sunday, March 7, 1965, during the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954–68)) — Alabama state troopers and volunteer officers of the Dallas County sheriff’s office tore through a column of unarmed African-American demonstrators with tear gas, nightsticks and whips at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma today to enforce Gov. George C. Wallace’s order against a protest march from Selma to Montgomery. 17 marchers were hospitalized.

Video: 'American Experience Lyndon B Johnson PBS Documentary' (Mar. 7, 1965, at 19:45)