Lincoln’s body departs Washington 150 years ago this hour (Apr 21 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns The Civil War: Episode 9 The Better Angels of Our Nature (1865) |Ken Burns Docum' (Lincoln departs at 21:16)

(Friday, April 21, 1865, 8:00 a.m.; during the American Civil War) — The remains U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and his deceased son, William Wallace Lincoln, left Washington, D.C., today for the 1,654 mile journey to Springfield, Illinois, for burial.

The train would retrace the route Lincoln had traveled to Washington as the president-elect on his way to his first inauguration with several stops along the way. The first stop was Baltimore, Maryland, before stopping overnight in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Video: 'The 2015 Lincoln Funeral Train Project'