200,000 welcome The Beatles back to Liverpool for northern premiere of hometown band’s debut feature film ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ 60 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Jul 10 1964)

Video: 'The Beatles at Liverpool Town Hall 10th July 1964: A Hard Day's Night Premiere' (July 10, 1964, Liverpool reception at 3:39)

(Friday, July 10, 1964, 6:55 p.m. BST) — The Beatles were driven to Liverpool Town Hall this evening in a police cavalcade, with an estimated 200,000 people – roughly a quarter of the city’s population – lining the route.

Hundreds of police officers attempted to restrain the crowds, but several times the cordons were breached by screaming fans.

At 6:55 p.m. BST, they arrived at the Town Hall, 25 minutes behind schedule, and were welcomed by Elizabeth Braddock, the member of parliament for Liverpool’s Exchange Division.

Video: 'The Beatles get a civil reception in Liverpool'

Following a meal The Beatles appeared on the balcony where they waved to the gathered fans, while the Liverpool City Police Band performed “Can’t Buy Me Love.” John Lennon gave a Hitler salute, although it was barely commented on.

Back inside, the Lord Mayor, Alderman Louis Caplan, gave a speech from the Minstrel’s Gallery to the 714 guests present in the ballroom. The Beatles were each presented with the keys to the city.

Afterwards they drank tea in the Lord Mayor’s parlor, while on the council chamber on the ground floor the City Council passed a resolution that confirmed the honor of Freemen of the City on The Beatles.

Video: 'Beatles Anthology Part 3. ‘64 February to ‘64 July' (July 10, 1964, Liverpool reception at 1:08:09)

Just before 9:00 p.m. BST they left in an Austin Princess limousine and travelled to the Odeon Cinema for the charity première of A Hard Day’s Night.

The Liverpool City Police Band performed the theme from Z-Cars and a medley of Beatles hits.

Video: 'The Beatles at the gala reception at Town Hall, Liverpool, 1964'

Upon their arrival The Beatles were introduced by compère David Jacobs to screams from the audience members.

After the screening the group returned to Speke Airport, from where they flew back to London.