The Beatles land in Indianapolis amid fan frenzy and press coverage 60 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Sep 3 1964)

Video: 'Beatles in Indianapolis - Arrival'

(Thursday, September 3, 1964, shortly before 1:00 a.m. EDT; during The Beatles’ 1964 North American tour) — Early this morning, The Beatles arrived at Weir Cook Airport in Indianapolis for the 11th stop on their first full North American tour.

Though it was well past midnight, a handful of fans and a sizable press contingent greeted the band. Local CBS affiliate WISH planned to document the band’s every move over the next thirty-six hours for a TV special, “Our Fair Beatles,” starting with their arrival.

Bright TV lights illuminated the aircraft steps as The Beatles, along with their entourage members Neil Aspinall and Derek Taylor, disembarked.

Upon landing, they were interviewed by local radio reporters as they walked across the tarmac to a waiting car, with the TV footage capturing the moment silently.

Paul McCartney was seen listening to a portable transistor radio as a police motorcade escorted the band to the Speedway Motel, where they checked into rooms 242 and 244.

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