FDR arrives in Crimea for long jeep ride to Yalta 80 years ago this hour (Feb 3 1945)

Video: '1945 Newsreel: The Yalta Conference begins' (Feb. 3, 1945, at 0:59)

(Saturday, February 3, 1945, 12:10 p.m. local time; during World War II) — U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt landed today at Saki airfield on the west coast of the Crimea, about 20 minutes ahead of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The two men reviewed an honor guard and then continued via jeep to Livadia Palace near Yalta, USSR, where they arrived about six hours later for a week-long conference to plan the postwar world.

Video: 'American Experience - FDR (Franklin Roosevelt) - Part 1/2 (PBS Documentary)' (Feb. 3, 1945, at 2:05:19)

Video: 'The World At War: The Bomb 1/5' (Feb. 3, 1945, at 1:15)