Video: 'Roosevelt Reports To Congress On Yalta Parley 220469-16.mp4 | Footage Farm'
(Thursday, March 1, 1945, 12:08 p.m. EWT; during World War II) — In what turned out to be his final public speech, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt laid responsibility for future world peace squarely in the lap of the Senate today in a historic appeal to a special joint session of Congress for full assumption by the United States of its responsibilities in “keeping the peace.”
Video: 'President Roosevelt addresses the Congress during a joint session after the Yalta...HD Stock Footage'
Roosevelt delivered the speech while seated, publicly acknowledging his disability for the first and only time: “I hope that you will pardon me for this unusual posture of sitting down…but I know that you will realize that it makes it a lot easier for me not to have to carry about ten pounds of steel around the bottom of my legs.”
Video: 'President Franklin Roosevelt’s Address to Congress on the Yalta Conference'
Video: 'A Walk Through The 20th Century With Bill Moyers - Episode 05 - The Democrat And The Dictator' (March 1, 1945, at 48:09)
Video: 'Nothing to Fear The Legacy of FDR 1982' (March 1, 1945, at 45:20)
Video: 'Vietnam: A Television History (Ep-1) Roots of a War (1945-1953' (March 1, 1945, at 20:00)