Video: 'Medicine Jar (Remastered 2014)'
(Sunday, March 2, 1975, McCartney departs studio at 11:30 p.m. PDT) — Former Beatle Paul McCartney and his British-American band Wings completed recording “Medicine Jar” (written and sung by Wings member Jimmy McCulloch and English blues drummer and songwriter Colin Allen) for the group’s next studio album Venus and Mars today at Wally Heider Recording, Studio 3 in Los Angeles.
All five musicians joined forces to overdub backing vocals, and Paul added an electric guitar.
Leaving Wally Heider’s at around 11:30 p.m. PDT, the Paul, his wife Linda, and their three daughters were driving back to their rented villa in Coldwater Canyon at just after midnight when they were pulled over for allegedly running a red light at the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and Midvale Avenue.
As the officer was writing up the citation, he couldn’t help noticing the faint odor of burning marijuana, and when he ordered the McCartneys out of the vehicle, he found a half-smoked joint on the floor and a plastic bag with 16 grams of weed in Linda’s purse.
Knowing the immigration, visa and touring implications of an American drug bust for Paul, Linda instantly took the rap, declaring, “It’s my grass. Paul doesn’t have anything to do with it.”
Linda was arrested and taken to a cell in Division 91, where she was questioned for two hours. Eventually, the charges against her would be dropped.