Video: 'Theodore Roosevelt Inaugurated (1905)'
(Saturday, March 4, 1905, 12:30 p.m. EST) — President Theodore Roosevelt of New York was inaugurated today for a second term as the 26th President of the United States on the East Portico of the United States Capitol with Chief Melville W. Fuller administering oath of office.
Former U.S. Senator Charles W. Fairbanks of Indiana was inaugurated as the 26th Vice President of the United States (the office had been vacant since Roosevelt became president upon the assassination of President William McKinley on Sept. 14, 1901).
Video: 'Biography with Mike Wallace - Theodore Roosevelt (1962)' (Mar. 4, 1905, at 11:18)
Roosevelt and Fairbanks, who ran on the Republican ticket, had defeated Democrats Alton B. Parker-Henry G. Davis in the November 1904 general election.
Roosevelt was the first incumbent President to win election to a term in his own right after having ascended to the Presidency (from the Vice-Presidency) upon the death of his predecessor.
Video: 'Theodore Roosevelt's Inaugural Ceremony, 1905'
Video: 'Inaugural Address by Theodore Roosevelt (1905)'