Category Archives: 1800s

First Barbary War ends in American victory 210 years ago today (June 10 1805)

Video: 'Tripoli War 1801 - 1805'

(Monday, June 10, 1805; during the First Barbary War) — The First Barbary War, the first of two Barbary Wars between the United States and the four North African states known collectively as the Barbary States to battle pirates seizing American merchant ships and holding the crews for ransom, ended today when Yusuf Karamanli, the best-known Pasha of the Karamanli dynasty of Tripolitania (in present-day Libya) signed a treaty ending hostilities.

Jefferson sworn in for second term as U.S. President, Clinton as 4th VP 210 years ago today (Mar 4 1805)

(Monday, March 4, 1805) — President Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated today for a second term of office in the Senate Chamber of the United States Capitol with Chief Justice John Marshall administering oath of office. Continue reading Jefferson sworn in for second term as U.S. President, Clinton as 4th VP 210 years ago today (Mar 4 1805)

Jefferson defeats Pinckney in landslide, re-elected president 210 years ago today (Dec 5 1804)

Video: '1804 Presidential Election- Jefferson wins in a Landslide'

(Wednesday, December 5, 1804, during the 1804 presidential campaign) — Democratic-Republican President Thomas Jefferson of Virginia was re-elected President of the United States today, defeating Federalist challenger former U.S. Minister to France Charles C. Pinckney of South Carolina. Continue reading Jefferson defeats Pinckney in landslide, re-elected president 210 years ago today (Dec 5 1804)

Vice President Burr mortally wounds former Treasury Secretary Hamilton during pistol duel 210 years this hour (July 11 1804)

Video: 'The Duel at Dawn, 1804 (Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr)'

(Wednesday, July 11, 1804, shortly after 7 a.m. local time) — U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr mortally wounded former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton during a pistol duel this morning in Weehawken, New Jersey. Hamilton was carried to the home of William Bayard on the Manhattan shore, where he died at 2:00 p.m. the next day.

Louisiana Purchase Treaty signed in Paris, doubling size of U.S. 210 years ago today (1803)

Video: 'The Louisiana Purchase in a Nutshell'

(Saturday, April 30, 1803) — On the authorization of President Thomas Jefferson, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France today for 60 million francs, the equivalent of about $15 million, by signing the Louisiana Purchase Treaty in Paris. The move doubled the size of the U.S., adding 828,000 square miles to American territory.