Category Archives: 1830s

Siege of the Alamo begins in San Antonio, Texas 180 years ago this hour (Feb 23 1836)


(Tuesday, February 23, 1836, at approximately 2:30 p.m. local time; during the Battle of the Alamo, part of the Texas Revolution) — A Mexican force numbering in the thousands and led by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna today began a siege of the Alamo, a former Franciscan mission located near the present-day city of San Antonio.

Democrats nominate Van Buren-Johnson ticket 180 years ago today (May 22 1835)

(Friday, May 22, 1835) — Vice President Martin Van Buren of New York was unanimously nominated president today at the 1835 Democratic National Convention meeting at the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, more than 19 months ahead of the 1836 general election. Continue reading Democrats nominate Van Buren-Johnson ticket 180 years ago today (May 22 1835)

President Jackson beats would-be assassin with cane 180 years ago today (Jan 30 1835)

Video: 'Ultimate Guide to the Presidents- Andrew Jackson Fights Off Assassin'

(Friday, January 30, 1835) — In what is believed to be the first attempt to kill a sitting President of the United States, unemployed house painter Richard Lawrence aimed two pistols at President Andrew Jackson today just outside the Capitol Building in Washington, but both misfired.

Lawrence was apprehended after Jackson beat him severely with his cane. Lawrence was found not guilty by reason of insanity and confined to a mental institution until his death in 1861.