Category Archives: 1910s

Lord Kitchener orders British evacuation at Gallipoli 100 years ago today (Nov 22 1915)

Video: '1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War' (Nov. 22, 1915, at 11:56)

(Monday, November 22, 1915, during the Gallipoli Campaign in the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) — Lord Kitchener, Britain’s Secretary of State for War, today ordered the evacuation of Winston Churchill’s disastrous Gallipoli Campaign.

This would involve taking off more than 93,000 troops, 200 guns and more than 5,000 animals as well as vast quantities of stores and ammunition.

‘The Metamorphosis’ novella by Franz Kafka published 100 years ago today (Oct 15 1915)

Video: 'The Metamorphosis - FULL Audio Book - by Franz Kafka'

(Friday, October 15, 1915)The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka’s famous absurdist tale about a man named Gregor Samsa who wakes up one morning to discover that he has been transformed into a huge, insect-like creature, was first published today in the German literary journal Die Weißen Blätter (The White Pages).

Boston Red Sox win World Series in seven games 100 years ago this afternoon (Oct 13 1915)

Video: 'MVP Baseball 1915 Phillies VS Red Sox (World Series)'

(Wednesday, October 13, 1915, afternoon local time) — The Boston Red Sox won the 1915 World Series today, beating the Philadelphia Phillies 5-4 at Baker Bowl in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the fifth and deciding game.

It was the third of eight World Series titles for the Red Sox (1903-2013).

British nurse Edith Cavell executed by German firing squad 100 years ago this hour (Oct 12 1915)

Video: 'The Story behind the War Heroine Edith Cavell || SeaMeXchange 2014'

(Tuesday, October 12, 1915, 7:00 a.m. CET; during World War I) — British nurse Edith Cavell, 49, was executed today by a German firing squad at the Tir national (National shooting range) in the municipality of Schaerbeek in Brussels, Belgium, for helping Allied soldiers escape from Belgium.

D.H. Lawrence novel ‘The Rainbow’ published 100 years ago today (Sep 30 1915)

Video: 'D H Lawrence The Rainbow Audiobook Part 01'

(September 30, 1915) — The D.H. Lawrence novel The Rainbow, which follows three generations of the Brangwen family living in Nottinghamshire, was published today in London by Methuen & Co. Continue reading D.H. Lawrence novel ‘The Rainbow’ published 100 years ago today (Sep 30 1915)

Jewish businessman Leo Frank lynched in Marietta, Georgia 100 years ago this hour (Aug 17 1915)

Video: 'Murder case, Leo Frank lynching live on'

(Tuesday, August 17, 1915, at around 7:00 a.m. local time) — A mob in Cobb County, Georgia, today lynched Jewish businessman Leo Frank, 31, whose death sentence for the April 1913 murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan had been commuted to life imprisonment.

Frank, who’d maintained his innocence, was pardoned by the state of Georgia in 1986.