Category Archives: American Civil War

Washington celebrates Lee’s surrender, but Lincoln too weary to deliver formal speech 150 years ago this hour (Apr 10 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 10, 1865, 1:03:08)

(Monday, April 10, 1865, 5:00 p.m.; during the American Civil War) — In Washington, fireworks filled the sky tonight in celebration of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox yesterday. A great crowd gathered around the White House called for President Abraham Lincoln, but he was too weary to make a formal speech. Continue reading Washington celebrates Lee’s surrender, but Lincoln too weary to deliver formal speech 150 years ago this hour (Apr 10 1865)

Lincoln poses for portrait 150 years ago today (Apr 10 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 10, 1865, 1:03:32)

(Monday, April 10, 1865; during the American Civil War) — U.S. President Abraham Lincoln walked over to the Alexander Gardner studio today at the corner of 7th and D Streets in Washington to sit for another portrait. Somehow, the glass plate negative cracked while being developed. The photographer made a single print then threw the negative away.

Lee surrenders his army to Grant at Appomattox 150 years ago this hour (Apr 9 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 9, 1865, 52:55)

(Palm Sunday, April 9, 1865, 1:30-3:00 p.m.; during Battle of Appomattox Court House, part of the Appomattox Campaign of the American Civil War) — Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant today at the McLean House in Appomattox, Virginia. Continue reading Lee surrenders his army to Grant at Appomattox 150 years ago this hour (Apr 9 1865)

Lee requests ‘suspension of hostilities pending the discussion of the Terms of surrender’ 150 years ago this hour (Apr 9 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 9, 1865, 51:58)

(Palm Sunday, April 9, 1865, 11:50 a.m.; during Battle of Appomattox Court House, part of the Appomattox Campaign of the American Civil War) — Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee dispatched a letter under a white flag today into the Union lines, asking for a “suspension of hostilities pending the discussion of the Terms of surrender of this army.”

Lee’s army defeated in Battle of Appomattox Court House 150 years ago this morning (Apr 9 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 8, 1865, 50:54)

(Palm Sunday, April 9, 1865, dawn; during Battle of Appomattox Court House, part of the Appomattox Campaign of the American Civil War) — Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered Maj. Gen. John B. Gordon to make one more attempt to break out at Appomattox this morning.

But after Gordon’s men drove federal cavalry from their positions and swept forward to the crest of a hill they were halted by an advancing solid wall of blue, the entire Union Army of the James.

Upon hearing the news, Lee finally stated the inevitable: “Then there is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths.”

Lee’s Confederate armies almost entirely surrounded, outnumbered 150 years ago tonight (Apr 8 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 8, 1865, 50:04)

(Saturday, April 8, 1865; during the Appomattox Campaign of the American Civil War) — Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee and his weary lieutenants gathered around a campfire tonight near the little village of Appomattox Courthouse and found themselves almost entirely surrounded, outnumbered nearly five to one and without hope of resupply or reinforcement.

Earlier in the day, forces under Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant had again flanked Lee’s army, capturing two train loads of supplies today.

Abraham, Mary Lincoln drive together past a country cemetery at Petersburg 150 years ago today (Apr 8 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 4, 1865, 45:57)

(Saturday, April 8, 1865; during the Appomattox Campaign of the American Civil War) — U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and First Lady Mary Lincoln took a drive together today past a country cemetery on the outskirts of Petersburg, Virginia.

Grant asks Lee to surrender to avoid ‘any further effusion of blood’ 150 years ago this hour (Apr 7 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 4, 1865, 45:57)

(Friday, April 7, 1865, 5 p.m.; during the Appomattox Campaign of the American Civil War) — As Union forces under Gen. Ulysses Grant pursued the Confederate army under Gen. Robert E. Lee along the Appomattox River, Grant initiated a series of dispatches between between the two commanders: Continue reading Grant asks Lee to surrender to avoid ‘any further effusion of blood’ 150 years ago this hour (Apr 7 1865)

Lincoln to Grant: ‘Let the thing be pressed’ 150 years ago today (Apr 7 1865)

Video: 'Ken Burns - The Civil War: Episode 8 - War Is All Hell (1865) | Ken Burns Documentary' (Apr. 7, 1865, 48:17)

(Friday, April 7, 1865; during the Appomattox Campaign of the American Civil War) — U.S. President Abraham Lincoln sent Gen. Ulysses Grant a telegram today, stating: “Gen. Sheridan says ‘If the thing is pressed I think that Lee will surrender.’ Let the thing be pressed.”