Category Archives: Television 1960s

‘The Twilight Zone’ presents ‘A Game of Pool’ 50 years ago this hour (1961)

Video: 'A Game of Pool' (part 1)

(Friday, October 13, 1961, 10 p.m. ET) — Pool shark Jesse Cardiff (Jack Klugman) challenges long dead pool great Fats Brown (Jonathan Winters) to a game to find out who’s the best player on tonight’s episode of The Twilight Zone. Continue reading ‘The Twilight Zone’ presents ‘A Game of Pool’ 50 years ago this hour (1961)

‘Mister Ed’ debuts on CBS 50 years ago this hour

Video: 'Mr. Ed' theme

(Sunday, October 1, 1961, 6:30 p.m. EDT)Mister Ed, a situation comedy TV series starring Alan Young as an eccentric and enormously klutzy yet friendly architect named Wilbur Post whose horse Mister Ed (“played” by gelding Bamboo Harvester and voiced by Allan Lane) could talk, debuted tonight on network television (on CBS; it had run in syndication from January 5 to July 2, 1961).

‘The Shelter’ debuts on ‘The Twilight Zone’ 50 years ago this hour

Video: 'The Shelter' (part 1)

(Friday, September 29, 1961, 10 p.m. ET) — When a nuclear attack appears imminent, several suburban friends and neighbors fight over control of a single bomb shelter on tonight’s episode of The Twilight Zone. Continue reading ‘The Shelter’ debuts on ‘The Twilight Zone’ 50 years ago this hour

‘Car 54, Where Are You?’ debuts on NBC 50 years ago this hour

Car 54, Where Are You-Who's For Swordfish 1/5 (1961)

(Sunday, September 17, 1961, 8:30 p.m. EDT) — Toody and Muldoon encounter obstacles as they prepare to fish for swordfish on a fellow officer’s brother-in-law’s cruiser on tonight’s debut of the NBC-TV sitcom Car 54, Where Are You?. Continue reading ‘Car 54, Where Are You?’ debuts on NBC 50 years ago this hour

‘The Twilight Zone’ presents ‘Two’ 50 years ago this hour

Twilight Zone S03E01 - "Two" 1/3

(Friday, September 15, 1961, 10 p.m. ET) — A man (Charles Bronson) and a woman (Elizabeth Montgomery), survivors from opposite armies of an apocalyptic world war, meet in a deserted, war-ravaged town on tonight’s season 3 premiere episode of The Twilight Zone (click here to watch the full episode).

Season 2 finale: ‘The Twilight Zone’

"The Obsolete Man" (part one)

(Friday, June 2, 1961, 10 p.m. ET) — In a future totalitarian society where books have been banned, librarian Romney Wordsworth (Burgess Meredith) is put on trial for the crime of being obsolete on tonight’s season two finale of The Twilight Zone. Continue reading Season 2 finale: ‘The Twilight Zone’