Category Archives: Cold War

Elvis Presley inducted into U.S. Army 60 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 24 1958)

Video: 'Elvis Gets Drafted Into the War'

(Monday, March 24, 1958, 6:30 a.m. local time) — Rock music icon Elvis Presley, 23, reported for duty this morning at the draft board office in the M&M Building, 198 South Main in Memphis, Tennessee. Continue reading Elvis Presley inducted into U.S. Army 60 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 24 1958)

LBJ recalls Westmoreland to become Army chief 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 22 1968)

(Friday, March 22, 1968, 5:38-6:06 p.m. EST; during the Vietnam War, part of the Indochina Wars and the Cold War) — President Lyndon Johnson announced today at a news conference his intention to appoint Gen. William C. Westmoreland as Army Chief of Staff, replacing him as commander of American forces in Vietnam sometime before July 2, 1968. Continue reading LBJ recalls Westmoreland to become Army chief 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 22 1968)

LBJ asks for ‘austerity’ to win Vietnam War 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 18 1968)

Video: 'American Experience LBJ 2' (Mar. 18, 1968, at 1:18:32)

(Monday, March 18, 1968, 10:42 a.m. CST; during the Democratic Party presidential primaries, 1968 and the Vietnam War, part of the Indochina Wars and the Cold War) — U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, speaking to delegates at the National Farmers Union Convention at the Leamington Hotel in Minneapolis, said today that the time had come for “austerity” and a “total national effort” to win the war and peace in Vietnam and solve domestic problems. Continue reading LBJ asks for ‘austerity’ to win Vietnam War 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 18 1968)

Anti-war protest in London turns violent 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 17 1968)

Video: 'World in Action The Demonstration 1968' (violence begins at 15:06)

(Sunday, March 17, 1968, 5:20 p.m. BST; during the Vietnam War, part of the Indochina Wars and the Cold War) — A peaceful march against the Vietnam War by some 10,000 people in London turned violent today as demonstrators reached Grosvenor Square near the U.S. Embassy; more than 200 people were arrested and over 80 were reported injured. Continue reading Anti-war protest in London turns violent 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 17 1968)

LBJ: ‘We are going to win’ Vietnam War 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 16 1968)

Video: 'President Lyndon B. Johnson on Vietnam, March 1968 (2 clips)'

(Saturday, March 16, 1968, 10:05 a.m. EST; during the Democratic Party presidential primaries, 1968; during the Vietnam War, part of the Indochina Wars and the Cold War) — As U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy was officially announcing on Capitol Hill that he would challenge President Lyndon Johnson for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination over the Vietnam War, Johnson told the National Alliance of Businessmen today at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington: “Make no mistake about it—I don’t want a man in here to go back home thinking otherwise—we are going to win.” Continue reading LBJ: ‘We are going to win’ Vietnam War 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 16 1968)

RFK to challenge LBJ for Democratic presidential nomination 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 16 1968)

Video: '1968 Presidential Election: RFK Announces He's Running'

(Saturday, March 16, 1968, 10:00 a.m. EST; during the Democratic Party presidential primaries, 1968; African-American civil rights movement (1954–1968); during the Vietnam War, part of the Indochina Wars and the Cold War) — Four days after President Lyndon Johnson barely edged out anti-war candidate U.S. Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York today entered the race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Continue reading RFK to challenge LBJ for Democratic presidential nomination 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 16 1968)

U.S. forces kill, rape hundreds in My Lai Massacre 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 16 1968)

Video: 'Myth or Reality My Lai- Massacre in Vietnam - American Experience.mp4' (Mar. 16 1968, 27:51)

(Saturday, March 16, 1968, 8:00 a.m. Saigon Standard Time; during the Vietnam War, part of the Indochina Wars and the Cold War) — The My Lai Massacre of Vietnamese civilians, including men, women, children and infants, was carried out today by U.S. Army soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division in Son My village in the Son Tinh District of South Vietnam. Continue reading U.S. forces kill, rape hundreds in My Lai Massacre 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 16 1968)

Ogaden War ends in Ethiopian victory 40 years ago #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 15 1978)

Video: 'Ogaden War 1977 Somalia Ethiopia'

(Wednesday, March 15, 1978; during the Ogaden War, part of the Ethiopian–Somali conflict and the Cold War) — The Ogaden War, a Somali military offensive over the disputed Ethiopian region Ogaden, ended today when the last significant Somali unit left Ethiopia. Continue reading Ogaden War ends in Ethiopian victory 40 years ago #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 15 1978)

Secretary Rusk grilled on Vietnam 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 11 1968)

Video: 'Vietnam: A Television History - Tet [6/11]' (Mar. 11-12 hearings at 39:39)

(Monday, March 11, 1968, 10:00 a.m. EST; during the Tet Offensive, part of the Vietnam War, Indochina Wars and Cold War) — One day after The New York Times reported that General William Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, had asked for 206,000 more American troops, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee pressed Secretary of State Dean Rusk today to disclose whether the administration was planning to expand the war in Vietnam. Continue reading Secretary Rusk grilled on Vietnam 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 11 1968)

Request for additional 206,000 troops in Vietnam goes public 50 years ago#OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 10 1968)

Video: 'Vietnam: A Television History - Tet [6/11]' (The New York Times report at 39:30)

(Sunday, March 10, 1968; during the Tet Offensive, part of the Vietnam War, Indochina Wars and Cold War) — General William Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, has asked for 206,000 more American troops for Vietnam, and the request has touched off a divisive internal debate within high levels of the Johnson Administration, The New York Times reported in today‘s paper, in a story dated Mar. 9, 1968.

President Lyndon Johnson had been briefed on the request on Feb. 28, 1968, and ordered Secretary of Defense-designate Clark Clifford to form a task force to conduct a complete review of U.S. policy in Vietnam, including the new request to increase troops.