Category Archives: Cold War

Ford, Brezhnev reach accord on arms control at Vladivostok 40 years ago today (Nov 24 1974)

Video: 'Meeting in Vladivostok (1974)' (Nov. 23-24, 1974)

(Sunday, November 24, 1974) — American President Gerald Ford and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev agreed today to terms that would limit both nations an “equal aggregate number” of various weapons on the second and final day of the Vladivostok Summit Meeting on Arms Control.

Ford, Brezhnev begin two-day summit in Vladivostok, Russia 40 years ago today (Nov 23 1974)

Video: 'Meeting in Vladivostok (1974)' (Nov. 23-24, 1974)

(Saturday, November 23, 1974) — The Vladivostok Summit Meeting on Arms Control, a two-day summit between American President Gerald Ford and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev for the purpose of extending arms control provisions between the Soviet Union and the United States, began this afternoon in Vladivostok, Russia. Continue reading Ford, Brezhnev begin two-day summit in Vladivostok, Russia 40 years ago today (Nov 23 1974)

Viet Cong attack major U.S. base, killing 4 Americans 50 years ago this hour (Nov 1 1964)

Video: 'Vietnam: A Television History - LBJ Goes to War [3/11]' (Nov. 1, 1964, at 20:12)

(Sunday, November 1, 1964, 12:26 a.m. local time; during the Vietnam War, part of the Indochina Wars and the Cold War) — Mortar fire from North Vietnamese forces rained early today on the Bien Hoa Air Base near Saigon, killing four U.S. servicemen, wounding 72, and destroying five B-57 jet bombers and other planes.

Civilian rule restored in South Vietnam 50 years ago today (Oct 26 1964)

Video: 'Vietnam: A Television History - LBJ Goes to War [3/11]' (Suu at 28:15)

(Monday, October 26, 1964; during the Vietnam War, part of the Indochina Wars and the Cold War) — The fifth chief of state in South Vietnam’s 10 years as an independent nation was officially installed today. The swearing in of a civilian, Phan Khac Suu, ended almost a year of military rule.

Johnson warns Red Chinese against ‘nuclear blackmail’ 50 years ago this hour (Oct 18 1964)

Video: 'Lyndon B. Johnson-Report to the Nation on Events in China and the USSR (October 18, 1964)'

(Sunday, October 18, 1964, 8:30 p.m. EDT; during the Cold War) — U.S. President Lyndon Johnson told the people of the United States tonight that despite the Chinese Communists’ nuclear explosion and the change of Government in the Soviet Union, “the key to peace is to be found in the strength and the good sense of the United States” (click here to watch the full video).

Civil administration of North Vietnam transferred to Viet Minh 60 years ago today (Oct 11 1954)

Video: 'Vietnam The Ten Thousand Day War 2of13 Dien Bien Phu' (Oct. 11, 1954, at 29:23)

(Monday, October 11, 1954; during the Cold War)Transfer of civil administration of North Vietnam to the Viet Minh was given today. Ho Chi Minh was appointed Prime Minister of North Vietnam, which would be run as a socialist state.

Hanoi acclaims Viet Minh troops after French soldiers depart 60 years ago today (Oct 9 1954)

Video: 'Vietnam a Television History Episode 1' (Oct. 9, 1954, at 57:07)

(Saturday, October 9, 1954; during the Cold War) — Thirty thousand Viet Minh soldiers, including many who had fought the French at Dien Bien Phu during the First Indochina War, today marched into Hanoi amid the cheers of a flag-waving populace.

250,000 Vietnamese flee Reds, far exceeding expected exodus 60 years ago today (Sep 17 1954)

Video: 'Vietnam a Television History Episode 2' (Sept. 17, 1954, at 7:09)

(Friday, September 17, 1954; during the Cold War) — More than 250,000 refugees have moved from Communist-controlled North Vietnam to South Vietnam, Harold E. Stassen, Foreign Operations Administrator, said today.

The number has far exceeded every estimate of those to be relocated under provisions of the Geneva cease-fire agreement which went into effect July 22, 1954.