Freedom march begins at Selma, troops on guard 50 years ago today (Mar 21 1965)

Video: 'Eyes on the Prize (VI) — Bridge to Freedom, 1965 [with English subtitles]' (Mar. 21, 1965, at 45:24)

(Sunday, March 21, 1965, during the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954–68)) — Protected by federal and federalized troops, civil rights demonstrators led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. began their successful march out of Selma today.

The marchers, or at least many of them, were on their way to the State Capitol at Montgomery to submit a petition for black voting rights to Gov. George C. Wallace, a man with little sympathy for their cause.

Today was the third attempt for the Alabama Freedom March. On the first two, the marchers were stopped by state troopers, the first time with tear gas and clubs.

The troopers were on hand today, but they limited themselves to helping federal troops handle traffic on U.S. Highway 80 as the marchers left Selma.

Video: 'American Experience Lyndon B Johnson PBS Documentary' (Mar. 21, 1965, at 27:40)