Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen liberated 70 years ago today (Apr 15 1945)

Video: 'Bergen-Belsen concentration camp'

(Sunday, April 15, 1945, afternoon CEST; part of The Holocaust during World War II) — 60,000 (mostly sick) prisoners at the Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen in what is today Lower Saxony in northern Germany, southwest of the town of Bergen near Celle, were liberated today by British and Canadian troops.

From 1941 to 1945, almost 20,000 Soviet prisoners of war and a further 50,000 inmates died there, with up to 35,000 of them dying of typhus in the first few months of 1945, shortly before and after the liberation (including diarist Anne Frank and her older sister Margot Frank).

Video: 'Memory of the Camps 1985 PL hardsubs DVBRip' (Bergen-Belsen liberated at 3:22)

Video: 'The World At War 1973(World War II Documentary)Episode 20-Genocide(1941-1945)' (Bergen-Belsen liberated at 51:11)

Video: 'BBC's World at War- The Final Solution part 2' (Bergen-Belsen liberated at 1:24:08)