Beatle Ringo Starr departs Rishikesh, India 50 years ago #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 1 1968)

Video: 'The Beatles In Ashram, Rishikesh, India (1.03.1968) (Filmed 15.03.1968)'

(Friday, March 1, 1968) — After only ten days, Ringo Starr of The Beatles and his wife Maureen today departed the Chaurasi Kutia ashram, home of the International Academy of Meditation near Rishikesh, India, where the band was studying Transcendental Meditation with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

All four members of The Beatles were filmed this day at Rishikesh (Ringo appears at the beginning of the film) for broadcast on Italy’s TV 7 on Mar. 15, 1968.

The TM course was scheduled through Apr. 27, 1968, but all three of the remaining Beatles would depart Rishikesh before the conclusion (Paul McCartney returned home on Mar. 26, 1968, and John Lennon and George Harrison departed Apr. 11, 1968).