Elvis Presley inducted into U.S. Army 60 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Mar 24 1958)

Video: 'Elvis Gets Drafted Into the War'

(Monday, March 24, 1958, 6:30 a.m. local time) — Rock music icon Elvis Presley, 23, reported for duty this morning at the draft board office in the M&M Building, 198 South Main in Memphis, Tennessee.

Presley and twelve fellow draftees were taken by army bus to Kennedy Veterans Hospital in Memphis where they all underwent a full medical examination.

After lunch, they were all taken back to the draft board office, sworn in and boarded on a bus for Fort Chaffee, Arkansas.

By Mar. 28, 1958, Elvis had arrived at Fort Hood, Texas, where he would undergo basic training before shipping off to Germany.