Thomas Dewey accepts GOP nomination for POTUS 70 years ago #OnThisDay #OTD (Jun 24 1948)

Video: '1948 Thomas Dewey Republican Convention Acceptance Speech'

(Thursday, June 24, 1948, evening EDT) — Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York accepted the presidential nomination tonight at the 1948 Republican National Convention and immediately appealed to the party and the country for unity on the basis of a new spiritual faith.

Earlier in the evening, Dewey was unanimously nominated on the third ballot at Convention Hall in Philadelphia, having led Ohio Senator Robert A. Taft on the first two ballots.

Video: 'American Experience Truman 2' (Dewey accepts at 46:03)

Dewey was also the GOP’s nominee for President in 1944, but was defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt, who secured an unprecedented fourth term during World War II.

Dewey chose two-term Governor Earl Warren of California as his running-mate. Warren was nominated unopposed the next day, on June 25, 1948.

Video: 'Earl Warren Nominated For Vice-President 221241-13 | Footage Farm'

The Dewey-Warren ticket would oppose the Democratic ticket of incumbent President Harry S. Truman-Alben W. Barkley (nominated in July 1948) in the United States presidential election, 1948.