Apollo 17’s lunar module ‘Challenger’ lands on the moon in final manned lunar landing 50 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Dec 11 1972)

Video: 'Apollo 17 landing from PDI to Touchdown' (Challenger lands on the Moon at 14:08)

(Monday, December 11, 1972, 2:54:57 p.m. EST) Apollo 17’s lunar module landed on the moon today with astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt aboard, becoming the last two men to date to step onto the lunar surface.

It was man’s sixth and final manned landing on the lunar surface as the Apollo 17 lunar module Challenger touched down at the Taurus-Litrow crater.

Video: 'Apollo 17: On the Shoulders of Giants (BEST QUALITY)'

Shortly thereafter, the two astronauts began re-configuring the LM for their stay on the surface and began preparations for the first moonwalk of the mission, or EVA-1, which began approximately four hours after landing, at about 6:55 p.m. EST.

The astronauts’ final walk on the moon would end in the early morning hours of Dec. 14, 1972.