Korean War begins as communist North Korea invades South Korea 70 years ago this hour #OnThisDay #OTD (Jun 25 1950)

Video: 'Korean War Begins - 1950 | Today In History | 25 June 17'

(Sunday, June 25, 1950, 4:00 a.m. KDT; during the Korean War, part of the Cold War) — The Korean War began this morning as South Korean army bases near the border with North Korea, at Yeoncheon, came under fire without warning.

Video: 'Korean War - PART 4, Beginning of "The War" (1949-1950) 6.25' (North attacks South Korea at 8:44)

After 45 minutes of shelling, North Korean troops invaded with six infantry divisions, an armored brigade and three border brigades coming across the 38th parallel.

Video: 'Korean War - PART 5, Beginning of the Attack (June 1950) 6.25' (North attacks South Korea at 0:00)

With many of their personnel on weekend leave, the four South Korean divisions in the area were quickly overwhelmed, and the invaders proceeded toward the South Korean capital of Seoul, 40 miles to the south.

Video: 'Vietnam: A Television History, Part 2 The First Vietnam War (Unedited VHS version)' (North Korea invades South Korea, at 18:38)

U.S. President Harry S. Truman was informed of the invasion at approximately 9:20 p.m. CDT (10:20 p.m. EDT) when he went to the library of his home in Independence. Missouri, to take a phone call from Secretary of State Dean Acheson.

Video: 'PBS - American Experience - Truman (1997) 5of5' (North attacks South Korea at 10:00)